I've always fancied little ballerinas serenading yards of space in their tiny tutu skirts and awe inspiring postures. So slender and feminine. Everything 'a girl' should be? Maybe, maybe not. But ballet is one form of dance that is all about discipline. Probably even more than any other dance form. I'd spare myself the rant business and just fast forward to how lazy I have become, yet again. Thankyou mass bunks and junk food. Yaeyy.
Basically, my posture is soo 'un-right', thanks to my laptop and endless 'work' on the internet that I'm literally nowhere close to this surreal portrait I just sketched for myself. One that I would kill to acquire. Well, maybe not kill, but you get what I mean.
Anyway I have sooo much stuff in hand and I suck at working in disorganised situations with disorganised people. ; /
So to take my mind off of more important stuff, I just experimented with the new things I got from NYX a while back and took a few pictures.
NYX jumbo pencil + Eye artist + Roll on kohl in purple.
F21 Cami, F21 leggings (maternity), NOT pregnant though. They're just SO comfortable and roomy, perfect for my unhealthy ways. |
Now all I really need is an oriental gong and some manga comics to go with. xD |
There are one too many ways to screw a photo.
Ironically, the camera is shy. -_- |
If we ever meet again? |